Every year, InteliSys Aviation Systems is delighted to host its annual Airline Growth Summit (AGS). This conference is is an intensive, in-depth networking and training opportunity that features a leading assembly of airline industry professionals and thought leaders whose shared goal is to propel clients and partners into an exciting future.
The Airline Growth Summit Awards
Members of the InteliSys Team and attendees at the AGS 2017 celebrations
At InteliSys Aviation, we are extremely fortunate and continually astounded to work with so many clients from across the globe. These companies soar above and beyond by entering and shaking up well-established markets: experimenting with innovative ideas and strategies, putting passengers and social responsibility before profits, demonstrating outstanding generosity and care for the communities they fly into, and so much more.
Most Innovative Marketing Campaign Award
This award is presented to an InteliSys airline client that has used their creativity and innovation over the past year to grow their exposure in their market and increase ticket sales or ancillary revenue sales.
Humanitarian Excellence Award
This award was created to honour an airline that exemplifies generosity by going above and beyond just making a profit, and shows great care for the communities that they fly into.
Best Passenger Story Award
This award recognizes and honours an airline that received an outstandingly positive review from a satisfied passenger.
The Jock English Memorial Award for Supremacy in Customer Service
This award was created in honour of former InteliSys Aviation Systems CEO, Jock English. This award is given out to a deserving airline, who follows in Jock’s passion of putting others first and providing exemplary customer service. The winner of this award will be an airline who receives a great deal of positive feedback for their customer service, and have passenger stories and specific instances that demonstrate how they go above and beyond for their clients.
2018 Airline Growth Summit Highlights
This year, the AGS will be held in Montréal, Québec from October 22 to 25 at the prestigious Hôtel le Crystal and will feature two full days of engaging, interactive learning about the amelia system led by InteliSys team members and airline experts. Listed below are some of this year's Summit highlights.
- Keynote speaker Andy Buyting, founder and CEO of Carle Publishing, who will be delivering his signature presentation "Standing Out from Your Competition: Leveraging the Three Pillars of Content Marketing."
- Guest speaker presentations will include "Revenue Management 101" from Paul Harvalias, President of Maxamation Americas, "Revenue Accounting 101" from Fausto Capote, Co-Founder of Kronos Airline Solutions, and presentations from Airline Choice and iotaware.
- InteliSys' CEO, VP of Product Development, Chief Customer Officer, Director of Marketing, Product Managers, and Specialists will all be lending their expertise to Summit attendees via presentations, round table discussion, and personalized one-on-one consultation sessions.
Our Sponsors

It simply would not be possible for InteliSys to host the AGS celebrations without the endorsement of the Summit's devoted sponsors. We give our utmost thanks to these companies for their ongoing support. Together, we, our attendees, and sponsors will help shape the future of the airline industry globally.
Presenting Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor
Gold Sponsors
Attending Sponsors
To learn more about the Airline Growth Summit, be sure to visit the Summit website. Follow InteliSys on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram for social media updates.