Missouri-based airline Air Choice One signs a multi-year agreement with InteliSys Aviation for use of the ameliaRES passenger reservation system.
Saint John, NB – 20 February 2019 – InteliSys Aviation Systems is thrilled to officially announce its partnership with Air Choice One, a fast-growing airline which has signed a multi-year contract for use of InteliSys’ ameliaRES Passenger Reservation System. Air Choice One went live on the software platform as of February 19, 2019 joining a global network of airlines on the system.
Based out of St. Louis, Missouri, Air Choice One is a regional airline that is devoted to delivering first-class comfort, quality, and convenience to its passengers. Its fleet of dependable aircraft operate on a system of community-specific flight scheduling, which includes providing regular service to hard-to-reach areas. The airline is run by a team of operations and maintenance professionals with greater than 60 years of combined industry experience.
Air Choice One selected InteliSys as a solution provider to help enable their growth via the amelia open system platform and their best-of-breed approach to the industry. The ameliaRES system provides flexibility to quickly and reliably integrate with many world-class aviation partners, as well as the customization to execute on their unique business goals.
“After much research on other airline reservation systems, Air Choice One chose to partner with InteliSys because of its technical capabilities and its customer service. Over the last three years, they have enhanced their features within their system that will assist us as our company grows. We look forward to having a long and successful business relationship with them," said Shane Storz, President & CEO of Air Choice One.
To learn more about the achievements and objectives of Air Choice One, visit the airline’s website: www.airchoiceone.com.
“Our team is very excited to be working with Air Choice One. When it comes to corporate values, our two companies are incredibly aligned. We love their attitude of treating every customer as an individual; it is the very same approach that we take to our business," said Frank Kays, InteliSys Aviation CEO. "We are thrilled to be partnering with a quickly growing airline that demonstrates a strong passion for servicing their customers. With the focus and passion that the Air Choice One team has on delivering superb and personalized customer experiences, we know that they are going to do really great things. We are proud to be working with them and supporting their continued growth.”
InteliSys Aviation is an established leader in airline passenger reservation and cargo management solutions. Boasting the world's first 100% cloud-based Open major PSS, InteliSys partners with airlines of all sizes and types in countries all around the world. By taking a traditionally closed and controlled ecosystem and opening it up, InteliSys' ameliaRES and ameliaCARGO software give airlines scalable tools to create, test and deploy new ideas that help them speed ahead of the competition in their markets.
To find out more about InteliSys Aviation, visit the company website: www.intelisysaviation.com.
Air Choice One Contact
Lexie Noyes
Marketing Administrator
InteliSys Aviation Systems Contact
Nikki Falavena
Director of Marketing
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