InteliSys Aviation

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Blog (2)

Five Air Travel Essentials

June 4, 2018

Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, there are definitely some ins and outs to learn about before embarking on your next adventure...

Update: The Longest Flights in the World

May 28, 2018

Last April, we wrote a blog feature on the longest flights in the world. Airlines are able to take us further and further as time passes and..

Is It Time To Consider a PSS Switch?

August 4, 2017

As an Airline Owner, CEO, CFO or CIO you may feel that your airline reservation & distribution fees represent a significant Costs-of-Sales, or that..

Everything You Need To Know About The U.S. Air Traffic System Reform

February 23, 2017

On February 9th 2017, President Donald Trump held a meeting with U.S. airline and airport authorities to discuss a wide range of topics. The primary..

The United States Presidential Election and Aviation

November 8, 2016

Trump vs. Clinton: What the U.S. Election Holds for Aviation and Aerospace The 2016 United States general election has reached a fever pitch, and..

Aviation Technology: 2016's Top 10 Innovations for Pilots

October 27, 2016

Aviation Technology Innovations:Pilot Edition Here we find ourselves again at the end of yet another year. Hard to believe, I know, but with the..

The Global Aviation Market Meets BREXIT

October 25, 2016

Brexit Does Impact the Global Aviation Market, but to What Extent? Well, it happened. Great Britain went through with the somewhat-unexpected and..

4 Airlines that Soared with Social Media

June 14, 2016

How should airlines use social media?

Boarding Passes: Paperless or Paper?

June 10, 2016

When it comes to boarding passes, what's better: paperless or paper?

Big Data And The Travel Industry

May 1, 2016

Big Data – a term that is rising to prominence across a range of industries. Ongoing improvements in data storage and collection are now allowing..

7 Reasons That Iran Open Skies Will Change The Airline Industry

April 24, 2016

Iran Open Skies What Exactly Does It Mean for the Aviation Industry? Iran Open Skies has been described by many as the biggest thing for the global..

10 Things You May Not Know About ameliaRES

April 6, 2016

Over the past few years, new features and functionalities have been added to amelia. With new customer projects being undertaken constantly, amelia..